Lazarus Linux support for FNC webbrowser
Up until now, the only way to use the TTMSFNCWebBrowser in a Linux environment was through FMXLinux. Today, we can proudly announce official Linux support through Lazarus as well. A couple of FNC products were already working in Linux, but the browser based components, such as the TTMSFNCWebBrowser and the TTMSFNCMaps components (& descendants) were not working. We have been working hard the past months to make our browser based products ready for Linux. With Linux support through Lazarus, we add yet again a new platform to the wide variety of already supported platforms in FNC.
TMS FNC Components can be used simultaneously on these frameworks
TMS FNC Components can be used simultaneously on these operating systems/browsers
TMS FNC Controls can be used simultaneously on these IDEs
Getting Started
The components have been tested and deployed on a Linux environment (Ubuntu 20.04) after properly setting up Lazarus and other dependencies required for various parts of FNC.
To setup your Linux environment please execute the following commands
sudo apt install joe wget p7zip-full curl openssh-server build-essential zlib1g-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libncurses5 sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libgtk-3-common libgstreamer1.0-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
Uninstall previously installed FNC packages and rebuild the Lazarus IDE. Remove LIB folders generated in the source directory. During compilation of dependant packages, checksum errors might appear. If this is the case, follow the exact steps below.
LCLTMSFNCCorePkg.lpk >> Install
LCLTMSFNCCorePkgDE.lpk >> Install >> Error
LCLTMSFNCCorePkg.lpk >> Only compile
LCLTMSFNCCorePkgDE.lpk >> Install >> OK
LCLTMSFNCMapsPkg.lpk >> Install
LCLTMSFNCMapsPkgDE.lpk >> Install >> Error
LCLTMSFNCMapsPkg.lpk>> Only compile
LCLTMSFNCMapsPkgDE.lpk >> Install >> OK
Repeat steps 5-8 for other FNC products if necessary
GTK 3.0
Note that the TTMSFNCWebBrowser is relying on GTK 3.0 as a minimum. By default Lazarus applications target GTK 2.0. To change this, select “Project Options”, go to “Additions and Overrides”, and change the default “LCLWidgetType” to GTK 3.0
Start the application to explore the capabilities of the TTMSFNCWebBrowser
Stay tuned!
With Linux support through Lazarus we add yet another major and exciting platform to the already huge amount of platforms FNC has to offer. Stay tuned for more FNC improvements and features coming up in the near future!.