TMS FNC Maps updates!


In April, we released the first version of TMS FNC Maps. Now 4.5 months later we have released v1.1 with exciting new features and improvements.

  • TTMSFNCDirections: TravelMode tmPublicTransport, tmTruck added (for supported services)
  • TTMSFNCDirections: GetDirections result Status and ErrorMessage added
  • LoadGPXFromFile/LoadGPXFromStream/LoadGPXFromText now also supports elevation and timestamp data
  • Events OnCreateGPXTrack, OnCreateGPXSegment for creating your own data structure when parsing GPX files
  • TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Clusters.Text property
  • TTMSFNCGeoCoding: Get(Reverse)Geocoding result Status and ErrorMessage added

Internally, a lot of smaller improvements have been made in combination with the existing supported services, TMS FNC Core and TTMSFNCWebBrowser.

Edge Chromium

Last week we also announced Edge Chromium Stable support for TAdvWebBrowser. We can now also announce that the TTMSFNCWebBrowser has been synchronized and offers Edge Chromium stable support. More details on how to install Edge Chromium can be found here.

TMS FNC Maps Book

TMS FNC Maps offers a demo and documentation to get you started, but if you really want to energize your developments the TMS FNC Maps Book is a must have!

Stay tuned for more!

TMS FNC Maps 1.2 is already around the corner with more exciting new features, so stay tuned and keep an eye on this blog .