The Ultimate Webinar On Threading And Concurrency
TCoffee and Code is a tremendously popular YouTube series presented by Embarcadero Technologies where expert professional developers engage in a virtual conversation and give the benefit of their experience on a wide range of technology and windows development subjects.
Each session features a different topic where panelists can freely share their own thoughts and opinions. In this video, Jim McKeeth is joined by his a great collection of Embarcadero MVPs to discuss everything about Threading and Concurrency.
Joining Jim in this 2-hour-long virtual conversation are Primož Gabrijelčič, Olaf Monien, Kelver Merlotti, Frank Lauter, and Dalija Prasnikar. They will also answer thread-related and multi-tasking queries from their followers.
Thread programming can be extremely tricky yet immensely powerful at the same time. This session will teach us all the do’s and don’ts in making threads and how can we keep our application run smoothly and responsive while keeping the users happy.
The discussion also highlights the differences between Threads and Tasks as well as the importance of Thread Safety to ensure that all threads behave properly and fulfill their design specifications without unintended interaction.
This session also tackles multithreading, parallel programming, single-threaded program, and more. The team will also discuss the things we can do to address various synchronization issues and also the advantage of using the Parnassus Parallel Debugging Tool for both single-threaded and multithreaded apps.
We also get to see actual Delphi encoding demos using TTask and Tthread classes. To know more about Threading and Concurrency, feel free to watch the video below.
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