Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge
Are you excited to take part in the Enterprise Article Showcase Challenge by Embarcadero? Here is your chance to make some money and share your valuable experience at the same time! For this contest we would like contestants to submit a 1000+ word article that shares their experience with RAD Studio – Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Server, and/or InterBase – in an enterprise setting. We know that sometimes it is complicated to get large companies to share their experiences officially. While we prefer first-party accounts for example from a developer or manager involved in the enterprise project, we will also accept theoretical or second-hand articles too. For example, if you can tell the program is written in Delphi or heard from a friend or colleague who worked on it then a case study which relates to that. All entries should be based on facts and true experiences as much as possible but can include “theoretical scenarios” when it makes sense to do so.
For example, let’s imagine a scenario where you weren’t involved in the development of the software that is used by company X, in industry Y, that performs Z, but you are pretty sure that it does use Delphi. Now you can’t claim definitively that it uses Delphi, but you can discuss that you believe it uses Delphi. Maybe you heard it from a friend with knowledge in that area? If you think it’s obvious that the project uses Delphi, all the better, especially if you can back that up with some reasoning. You can omit the names of your sources unless they give you permission. So, state what you know, and discuss why Delphi is a good choice for that use case. Use real facts about Delphi, its features, 3rd party libraries, etc.
All approved entries receive $100 USD*. Feedback is provided if the entry isn’t approved. If we don’t approve the article you’re welcome to submit it again after you’ve taken into account, any feedback we gave you or made changes we felt were essential. First place will win $1000 USD*, followed by $500 USD* for second place. Aspiring contestants should follow all requirements and tips closely to increase their chances of winning the grand prize! What are you waiting for? Get started now and see if you have what it takes to win the Enterprise Article Showcase Challenge.
The Enterprise Article Showcase is a great way to spread the RAD Studio message and highlight the fantastic things RAD Studio can do in the enterprise! Help us get to know how you are getting more done with RAD Studio in the enterprise than teams many times your size.
Table of Contents
Enterprise Article Showcase Challenge
From now until February 14th, 2023, any approved Enterprise Article Showcase submission for a RAD Studio enterprise article gets a $100 USD*.
The first place is $1,000 USD*. The runners-up will each get $500 USD*.
- $100 per approved article. Feedback on unapproved articles will be provided, and re-submission is allowed.
- $500 for the second place** handed out on or after February 14th, 2023.
- $1000 for first place** handed out on or after February 14th, 2023.
* All money paid via PayPal or a similar service at Embarcadero’s discretion. USD or the equivalent in local currency. The recipient must provide a valid email address and be residing in a country where Embarcadero and PayPal do business, and age of majority and otherwise meet requirements to receive money.
** Ranking is based on article traffic and quality as determined by Embarcadero.
How Does it Work?
Submit An Enterprise Article Showcase Entry: Click here to submit your article entry.
- 1000-word minimum article with proper formatting based on the tips section.
- Share an experience of the use of RAD Studio – Delphi, C++Builder, InterBase and/or RAD Server – in an enterprise setting.
- Theoretical use cases are fine, but you must make that clear. Don’t make false statements. It is fine to say, “here is why I believe you should use Delphi in this use case”.
- It is great if you are a first party involved with the development of the application, but it is not required. For example, if you discovered or heard that a certain company or software uses RAD Studio you can discuss that and how that software benefits. Just don’t misrepresent your knowledge, i.e., don’t imply you wrote the software, instead state how/why you believe it is written with RAD Studio or even why you think it should be.
- Facts should be accurate. Opinions are fine, but don’t misrepresent them as facts.
- Open to all members of the community, including MVPs and Tech Partners.
- Must discuss advantages and benefits of RAD Studio’s use in the particular use case or scenario.
- The $100 USD Enterprise Article Showcase award is limited to 100 submissions. If more than 100 are submitted, then the 100 winners will be selected by Embarcadero.
- The final decision of winning eligibility is at Embarcadero’s sole discretion. Void where prohibited, restricted, or limited.
- You are welcome to collaborate with others, but only the one person who submits the article will receive the money.
- All rules and requirements subject to change.
- Use Grammarly or similar tools to check your spelling and grammar.
- Use good writing techniques like having an introductory and concluding paragraphs.
- Discuss what makes a successful enterprise application. This is more important than the specific use case.
- Mention specific features, components, libraries, tools, etc. that are used.
- A few small code samples are nice too.
- You can use a little HTML or Markdown to add basic formatting, links, etc. If you want a lot of formatting or images, then provide a link to a publicly viewable Google Doc.
- Any images included must have a note somewhere indicating the source of the image, the public URL of the original image, and the copyright status – for example “author’s own image”, “Licensed from Pexels.com”, “Wikimedia image used with permission and attribution” etc. Google image search isn’t a valid source.
- The main heading should be AP style with initial caps: “Headline Of Article”, subheadings should be H2 or H3 tags, no extra formatting such as bold or italics and should be in natural case like so: “This is a secondary headline”.
- The article will be checked for plagiarism. If you have quoted anyone or a document, you must make it clear and include a reference to the original source unless it is apocryphal: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wild.
- Don’t include affiliate links such as Amazon referrer promotional links.
- Don’t include any offensive language – including words with letters replaced Batman kerpow-style “computer s%ftware”.
- We reserve the right to edit, truncate, reword (for clarification or to comply with laws and standards) and generally shape the article to fit the space we have available. Any changes will be the minimum we need, and we will take care to avoid changing your ‘voice’ and integrity, or to otherwise make you say something you didn’t.
How To Win
- Follow the tips and requirements.
- Submit the article prior to the deadline.
- Drive traffic to your article once it has been published by promoting it on social media.
- Click here to submit your Enterprise Article Showcase Challenge entry.
Ready to share your story with the world?
RAD Studio offers you the chance to develop fast, native apps for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android from a single IDE. It’s perfect for those who want to create true cross-platform applications with one codebase. If you have experience using RAD Studio in an enterprise setting and would like to share your story, Embarcadero is hosting this article contest with a $1000 prize. Submissions should be 1000 words and touch on your experience implementing RAD Studio in an enterprise environment. Whether it’s a real-world experience or a theoretical (as long as it is labeled as such), we want to hear about it! So, if you’re excited to take part in this contest and have a valuable story to share, go ahead and get started writing your article today.
Click here to submit your Enterprise Article Showcase Challenge entry.
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