Create robust unit and end-to-end tests that help you deliver quality apps
Sencha Test is the most comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing solution for Ext JS, including support for end-to-end testing of ExtAngular, Angular, ExtReact and React apps. Deliver high quality apps and reduce testing time & cost with Sencha Test
The State of Web Application Testing
The need to find and fix quality issues early in the development cycle has always been baked into the core philosophy of every serious development team, even in the face of intense delivery pressure. The evolution of web technology introduced a new urgency for software quality.
With Sencha Test, you can create end-to-end tests quickly, and execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Cross-browser testing is critical to ensuring quality for organizations, and test automation is a requirement to meet delivery timelines. Sencha Test helps you build an end-to-end testing plan without having to cobble together testing tools.
Sencha Test Studio is the graphical user interface that allows you to write Jasmine tests in a built-in Sencha Test editor. You can write tests using JavaScript and store them in your team’s preferred source control system. Test Studio allows you to create tests directly in Sencha Test, or code in a separate IDE, and execute the test immediately. The iterative unit testing process helps you create more robust code by constantly testing it along the way.