More no-code in latest WX Pack!
The PDF viewer app
The TTMSFNCWXPDFToolbar purpose is to allow navigation in a PDF that is opened to view. It contains buttons for going to the next/previous/last/first page, to open a new PDF file or to rotate pages or zoom in & out pages.
The TTMSFNCWXPDFThumbnailList is, as the name implies, an either vertically or horizontally scrolling list of thumbnails of pages in the opened PDF file. It interacts with the TTMSFNCWXPDFViewer component to show the clicked page in the thumbnail list.
So, to build this application, following steps are needed:
1) Drop TTMSFNCWXPDFToolbar on the form and set alignment to top
2) Drop TTMSFNCWXPDFThumbnailList on the form and set alignment to left
3) Drop TTMSFNCWXPDFViewer on the form and set alignment to client
4) Assign the TMSFNCWXPDFViewer1 to TTMSFNCWXPDFThumbnailList.Viewer
5) Assign the TMSFNCWXPDFViewer1 to TTMSFNCWXPDFToolbar.Viewer
Ok, sorry, there is nothing more to do. Compile and run the app. Click the open file button in the toolbar, select a PDF file from the local file system and it will be loaded. This means, the toolbar will get active and will allow you to browse through the PDF file and the thumbnaillist will be loaded with thumbnails of all pages in the PDF. Click a thumbnail in this list and this page will be displayed in the viewer.
In Delphi, no-code is not a prison
The power of Object Pascal component based development is that it isn’t limited to no-code or low-code, it is just a start. Where there are a lot of possibilities to create a lot of useful end-user functionality with little to no-code, Delphi still allows to go “down to the metal” and write code that can use every corner of the operating system (and that includes the web browser as operating system when a web client application is created). The WX components contain numerous properties, event handlers and public methods that allow to further programmatically manipulate the components.