How To Create Mobile Apps Using React JS
React JS is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries on the planet. It allows you to effortlessly create interactive UIs for your application. It is efficient, flexible, and intuitive. As a result, React has become massively popular among developers worldwide. It supports the responsive layout for all modern devices, including smartphones, laptops, and desktops. Therefore, you can create your mobile app using React JS. But is the process difficult? Can you easily create React apps for mobile devices? In this post, you will find all the details.
Why Should I Create My Mobile App Using React JS?
- Supports Cross-Platform Application Development: By using React JS, you can make applications for a variety of platforms, including iOS and Android platforms. Therefore, you no longer have to learn different languages, like C++ and Java. By using JavaScript language and React framework, you can create applications for all platforms.
- Easier learning curve: React JS is very easy to learn. You just need to know JavaScript. You don’t have to learn other programming languages, like C# or Java. As a result, you can quickly pick up the technology and start creating your mobile app using React JS.
- Offers Code Reusability: React supports code reusability. It provides several big advantages. For example, it allows you to reuse the same code for similar features in multiple apps. As a result, you can quickly develop new applications. It can significantly reduce your development time.
- Open-source: React is an open-source framework. It is completely free. It doesn’t require you to pay any monthly or yearly fee. Hence, you can save a lot of money, which you can spend on other aspects of your business.
- Strong Community Support: React JS has a huge community. It is comprised of thousands of developers worldwide. The community is very helpful. Whenever you face any issue, you will always find a helping hand. Therefore, you should seriously consider creating your mobile app using React. It can make your life a lot easier.
How Can I Easily Create My Mobile App Using React JS?
You can easily create your mobile app using React JS by utilizing the power of GRUI by Sencha. It is a modern enterprise-grade grid solution. It offers 100+ data grid features, including virtual columns, infinite scrolling, and slider paging toolbars. By utilizing them, you can easily create data-intensive mobile apps using React JS.
Why Should I Use GRUI By Sencha?
- Efficiently handle millions of records
- Support for large feature sets, including filtering, grouping, infinite scrolling, etc.
- Get full customization control over styling and theming
- Easily export data to different formats, including CSV, TSV, HTML, PDF, and XLS
- Easy React UI component integration
Read: GRUI By Sencha vs. React Grid – Which Is Better?
How Can I Create A Mobile App Using GRUI By Sencha?
Sencha GRUI has made the process of creating mobile apps very simple. Let’s take a look at some practical examples.
How Can I Create A Big Data Grid With GRUI?
With GRUI, you can easily create Big Data grid. Here is an example:
To create it, you have to follow these steps:
1. First, you have to import all the required libraries and components.
import React, { Component, useState } from "react"; import { SenchaGrid, Column, CheckboxColumn, DateColumn, EmailColumn, MoneyColumn, NumberColumn } from "@sencha/sencha-grid"; import "@sencha/sencha-grid/dist/themes/grui.css"; import { AppBar, Box, Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogContentText, DialogTitle, TextField, Toolbar, Tooltip, Typography } from "@material-ui/core"; import dummyData from "./mockdata";
2. Then you have to create, a constant, called Verify. Add this code:
const Verify = (props) => { const { record, clicked, rowIndex, store } = props; const val = "Verify "; return ( …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………3. Next, create another constant, called SalarySummary.
const SalarySummary = ({ data }) => { const value = (Math.round(data * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); return${value}; };4. Then create the VerifyAll constant and insert these lines:
const VerifyAll = (props) => { const { isGrouped, store, groupName } = props; let groupDataLength = 0; for (let item of { if ( === groupName) { groupDataLength = groupDataLength + 1; } } …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………5. Next, create the RatingYear constant. Add this code:
const RatingYear = (props) => { const { data, rowIndex, clicked, store } = props; const iteration = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if (i <= data) { iteration.push(clicked(rowIndex, i, store)} data-id={i} style={{ color: "#ffe850" }} > …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… 6. Finally, you have to insert these lines:
const Header = () => { return (…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… Source Code:
You can get the source code right here.
How Can I Create Tabular Layout With GRUI?
GRUI enables you to quickly create tabular layout. Here is an example:
To create it, you have to follow these steps:
1. First, you have to import required libraries and components.
import React from "react"; import { SenchaGrid, Column } from "@sencha/sencha-grid"; import "@sencha/sencha-grid/dist/themes/grui";2. Next, you have to create a new constant, called data. Then add this code:
export default class App extends React.Component { render() { const data = [ { col1: "Value 1", col2: "Item 1", col3: "Thing 1", col4: "Data 1", dob: "02/10/2000", workingHours: 6.3, }, ];3. Finally, you have to insert these lines:
return (); } } Source Code:
You can get the source code right here.
Should I Use GRUI For Creating My Mobile App Using React JS?
GRUI is an enterprise-grade grid solution for React UI. It offers over 100 data grid features. It allows you to efficiently handle large amounts of data. GRUI comes with several performance enhancement capabilities, including column virtualization. It can quickly load large datasets. Also, GRUI provides you with full customization control over styling and theming. On top of that, it is very easy to use. It supports easy UI component integration to the grid. Therefore, you should definitely consider using GRUI for creating your mobile app using React JS.
GRUI by Sencha offers a high-performance solution for React applications. It provides several key features, including quick integration, easy customization, and custom data loading. Try it now for free.