FNC empowers your FMX (FireMonkey) development


The multi-device, true native app platform
The FireMonkey® framework is the app development and runtime platform behind RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder. FireMonkey is designed for teams building multi-device, true native apps for Windows, OS X, Android and iOS, and getting them to app stores and enterprises fast.

source: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/fm-application-platform

FMX (FireMonkey) released in 2011 and shortly after we delivered a first set of components. Through the years we learned and evolved our FMX support and translated that knowledge into new major components:

  • Grid
  • Planner
  • Treeview
  • Chart
  • Kanban Board
  • Pickers & Selectors
  • Rich Editor

All of these components fully adopted the FMX (FireMonkey) framework. In 2016 we even went a step further and introduced FNC. FNC boosts your FMX development and offers a single code base to re-use in other frameworks as well: VCL, WEB (TMS WEB Core) and LCL (Lazarus).

To the point

How FNC empowers your FMX development is nicely demonstrated and explained by Holger Flick in the following video. He explains the various components available for the FMX framework, how to use them and what they can do for your application.

Get started!

Get started exploring FMX and what FNC can mean for your FMX development: http://fnc.tmssoftware.com. Already using FNC? Let us know in the comments.