Easily Use A Popular Python Image Library In A Delphi Windows GUI App

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);


  _im : Variant;

  _stream : TMemoryStream;

  _dib : Variant;

  pargs: PPyObject;

  presult :PPyObject;

  P : PAnsiChar;

  Len : NativeInt;


  if (Image1.Picture.Graphic = nil) or Image1.Picture.Graphic.Empty then

    raise Exception.Create(‘You must first select an image’);


  _im := MainModule.ProcessImage(ImageToPyBytes(Image1.Picture.Graphic));

  if not chkUseDC.Checked then


    // We have to call PyString_AsStringAndSize because the image may contain zeros

    with GetPythonEngine do begin

      pargs := MakePyTuple([ExtractPythonObjectFrom(_im)]);


        presult := PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(

            ExtractPythonObjectFrom(MainModule.ImageToBytes), pargs, nil);


          if (P = nil) or (PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(presult, P, Len) 0) then begin

            ShowMessage(‘This does not work and needs fixing’);











    _stream := TMemoryStream.Create();


      _stream.Write(P^, Len);

      _stream.Position := 0;








    Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Width, Image1.Height);

    _dib := Import(‘PIL.ImageWin’).Dib(_im);

    Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SetSize(Image1.Height, Image1.Width);


