Developer Stories: Arsene Ekpini Elaborates On His Application eLynceus
Arsene Ekpini first used Delphi in 1997 and has been working with it since. He introduced his application to (Identify Criminal With Elynceus: Developed In C++ Builder) the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we spoke with him to get a better understanding of his Delphi experiences.
When did you start using RAD Studio/Delphi and have long have you been using it?
At that time it was owned by Borland and it was Delphi 3. I was working for a Research Institute in Ivory Coast (West Africa). The purpose was to develop an application to manage our research protocols and results. We were working in association with a Research Institute in Montpelier, France. I discovered the great potential of that development tool and since then, each time I have to develop a program, I use it if possible.
What was it like building software before you had RAD Studio/Delphi?
Before we start using Delphi, we were spending a lot of time writing codes for both the functionalities and the design.
How did RAD Studio/Delphi help you create your showcase application?
My application is mainly developed using C++ Builder (Rad Studio 10.2.3). But I am using some third party tools, mainly related to biometrics features, which work only with Delphi. So I had to develop a Datasnap server to be able to call biometrics procedures and functions, developed with Delphi in my C++ Builder application. So, in this case interoperability between C++ Builder and Delphi was crucial!
What made RAD Studio/Delphi stand out from other options?
I prefer to use RAD Studio because visual components make the development of applications easier. My application eLynceus is built with C++ Builder and also connects to a DataSnap server written with Delphi. It is also easier to connect to databases and manipulate their data with components like the ClientDataSet.
What made you happiest about working with RAD Studio/Delphi?
1 – Visual components. The fact that they are easy to use and also be able to build my own components. 2 – The Objects Inspector 3 – Database components like ClientDataSet TQuery, TIBQuery, etc… 4 – The possibility to build applications for different platforms: MacOs, Android, Linux from the same source code 5 – The documentation. I learn the software by myself
What have you been able to achieve through using RAD Studio/Delphi to create your showcase application?
Using Rad Studio, we were able to build eLynceus which is a protection tool and also a web application which uses facial recognition to identify wanted (dangerous criminals and also kidnapping and missing) persons. The application features can be divided in 4 categories: 1 – Search in main criminal databases (FBI USA, RCMP Canada, etc…) using textual search with multiple criteria 2 – Use facial recognition to search in criminal databases by downloading a picture or taking a snapshot 3 – An automatic Facial identification which is a protection tool. Used at home with a webcam or an IP camera, it has the same functionalities as a home security system plus the possibility to identify dangerous criminals. Used from a mobile device, it can provide vital information (locations and pictures) for criminal investigations. 4 – eLynceus has also social media features. Users can find and stay in touch with people they know and they have lost contact with.
What are some future plans for your showcase application?
Our web application requires a lot of computation resources. Which means that Windows server is not the right OS for deployment. We are waiting impatiently for Rad Studio 10.5 with the possibility to build applications for Linux 64 bits! This is a must have!
Thank you, Arsene! Click the link below to look into his showcase entry.