Best Open Source Low Code Platform: Expectations vs. Reality
As a fast and easy alternative to traditional software development, an open source low code platform is fast becoming the hot topic. By 2026, the open source software and services market is expected to reach a whopping $50B. This incredible expansion and growth is thanks largely due to the prediction that 75% of large enterprises are expected to use at least 4 low-code development tools.
Let’s unpack that assertion a little here along with some background information on what open source is and how low code platforms factor into these estimates of accelerated uptake into low code or no code development solutions.
What is anopen source low code platform?
Since the buzz of low code platforms is everywhere, chances are you are familiar with the word. What exactly is it? Here is the definition
“A low code platform is used to imply visual interfaces with basic logic like drag and drop with little to no coding in a platform”
Why is it called an open source low platform? Because the source code is free and easily available to download, deploy and edit by the end user where it deems fit. In simple words, an end user can view, copy, learn, alter or share the code. They are used for scalability in building applications and processes. The platform may vary by requirements so if you want to get started here is the beginner’s guide you must check out!
What are the pros of open source low code platform?
1. Flexibility
Flexibility is a crucial quality of open source software that supports this approach to, software deployment. The end-user can have ultimate modification possibilities based on developer resources and requirements without any hassle or fear of the company’s terms and conditions being broken.
2. Reliability
For open-source software, the user relies on the corporation to update, patch, and enhance the codebase, as well as the community. Updates and patches can be maintained and supported by the community.
3. Control and fast transformation
Organizations are better positioned to adapt and respond to rapidly changing business situations because to these low-code features so that for their own deployment, the end-user can alter and control the application’s basic code. Companies with the resources to do so can use this to create a product that is truly suited to given requirements.
4. Higher Productivity
What used to take months now takes days, if not minutes now, thanks to low-code development. Which allows more apps to be produced in as little time as possible. Time is no longer an impediment to true innovation all because of low-code development.
5. Open Community
The code can be peer-reviewed and maintained by participants in an open source community having passionate programmers and coders. This is indicative of the open source development community’s collaborative and helpful nature such as (Wikipedia, GitHub, etc).
6. Low cost
With the ability to build more apps in less time, decreases in cost have been observed. Using low-code tools, the average organization avoids hiring two IT developers. Over the course of three years, the applications designed generated around $4.4 million in enhanced corporate value. – (Forrester)
Expectation vs Reality – What is the Gap?
Low-code means not having any code
As the name suggests, is kind of true. It requires at least a little coding depending on some requirements. The requirement can be complicated at times, and the current version of the low-code application development platform does not support it. For the low-code platform, the developer must invest, make the change, test, and update the version. The user can then check out the updated version and customize it to their liking.
Can be integrated with every program
Another misunderstanding and an expectation that is often associated with low code platforms. Considering the fact that each of the software has a different database design and backend. It requires field data mapping between two systems and the creation of a web service for both. Integration can be problematic in circumstances when the present system lacks web service interfaces.
Easy to use
Another misconception, though it is given you the concept of easy to use and often time it is. Everything again depends on the requirements and the platform you are using. Maybe the platform is created for a specific purpose/industry, and the product may not be close with your use. It requires that you have a fundamental grasp of the industry in order to comprehend why the system does not support specific functions or processes that another system provides.
No manual or pre-requisite knowledge required
Normally, this is correct; the low-code program was created with little or no training in mind. However, reading the manual or giving a fast presentation is a better way to become familiar with the system and its capabilities.
Modify the business with no impact
This can only be true if you complete all the pending orders or pre-requisite work before making any change. When you change, replace, or modify an existing process, the data, order, and document flow that was in place prior to your change may be affected. These flows can still be used, but you’ve changed them by using the old steps instead of the new ones. The cause of this issue is that the business flow might be determined at the moment your request is created. As a result, even if you changed or modified their process, the flow will not be updated.
Do you say best open source low code platform? We say Embarcadero development platform(s)
1. Rad studio
This is like having a better low code platform which comes with a fraction of the cost as compared to others out there. It allows seamless movement between visual development to code for max performance. You can swiftly build applications either via drag and drop that read and write live data with on-premises and cloud data sources with RAD Studio. It is available for android, iOS, Mac OS and Linux so regardless of your OS, RAD studio is here to build apps 5x faster. It has the following
2. Delphi
RAD studio with Delphi is the elite combo. Since the syntax of the Delphi programming language is easy you can learn that easily. But it’s not more about learning here, it’s about correctly using these things. What’s great is that you can create a fully-functional Delphi cross-platform application with several screens with many clicks, and it generates the code automatically so that you can change anything as per your requirement. Have a look at low code app wizard for Delphi
3. C++ Builder
Another good thing about RAD Studio is that it comes with a C++ version with an award-winning VCL framework. You can start building visually stunning high-performance native C++ apps for iOS and Windows. It allows you to reuse frameworks and code while only rebuilding native software applications using extensive language extensions. Check it out here!