The Future of Startups Demands Massive Productivity
Productivity means that you achieve as much as possible within a given time frame. It is a top priority for startups. You don’t want to see your software developers getting involved with time-consuming designing and coding to get the job done. Your team needs a massive productivity boost to solidify the future of your startup. But how can you enhance it? In this post, you will find all the details.
Why do startups demand productivity?
The start-ups around the world are obsessed with boosting productivity. But why do they need it? Here are the reasons:
Desire for Growth
Like every startup owner, you want your business to grow. And to achieve growth, your team needs to be very productive. It will enable you to deliver the best software service for your customers timely. It will help you to earn trust and draw the attention of large clients, which leads to the massive growth of your business. That’s why startups around the world demand massive productivity.
Save Time and Money
Every start-up wants to reduce overhead costs while maximizing profit. To achieve it, your business needs to be very productive. You don’t want your team to spend days on a task that can be completed within a few hours with an alternate framework. You want them to utilize the right tool to get the job done quickly and efficiently. It can save you a lot of time and money.

How can Delphi provide a massive productivity boost?
Delphi enables your team to develop software significantly faster than the other popular frameworks, including WPF.NET and Electron. A group of developers participated in a benchmarking test where they used all of these frameworks to build a clone of the Windows 10 calculator. The results were pretty interesting.
Three Delphi developers managed to build the calculator in an average of 4.66 hours using RAD Studio. Also, there was one Delphi developer who re-used Delphi calculator code he had written to produce other Windows desktop versions of the calculator in the same productivity time trial and, using a readily-available 3rd party library, he went on to create an Electron calculator in just 7 minutes and then a progressive web app (PWA) in around the same time. It demonstrates the impressive code-reusability of Delphi. On the other hand, 16 developers completed the calculator using WPF.NET with a mean average time of 53 hours. To design the same thing, eight Electron developers took a mean average of 47 hours. The test proves that Delphi is significantly superior to its competitor in terms of boosting the productivity of the development teams.
Also, Delphi makes it very easy for you to create an appealing user interface visually. It provides you with the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) design experience. You can place components onto the Graphical User Interface (GUI) by simply performing the drag-and-drop functionality. You can resize them without touching a code. Also, the codes are significantly short. As a result, Delphi can boost productivity 5 times higher than both WPF and Electron.
Should you really use Delphi?
Delphi can boost the productivity of your software development team massively. It is faster, lighter, and more powerful than both WPF.NET and Electron. So, you should seriously consider using Delphi. It can meet the future demand of massive productivity of your startup effectively.