Get Free Responsive Cross-Platform Login Screen Templates For Android And iOS

This FireMonkey UI template designs for implementing a login screen in a multi-device application. And shows how to utilize FireMonkey designing guidelines.


As you can see, this FireMonkey UI template is responsive and ready to utilize in any kind of project that requires a login screen like this! The templates should be cross-platform and work on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux with a single UI and single codebase.

From this demo project, you can learn:

  • How to utilize ScrollBox
  • Utilizing Layouts
  • Making a blurred background image

Changes to the layout should be made inside of the TFrame itself. Once changes are made to the TFrame you can delete it from the TForm and re-add it. Set its Align property to Client. Optionally, it’s ClipChildren property can be set to True if there are any overlapping background images.

You can get this FireMonkey UI template from GetIt Package Manager


Head over and get more information for the templates from GetIt and then download them in the Delphi IDE.