Everything You Need to Know About Castle Game Engine

Some of you are probably wondering if it is possible to develop games in Delphi. Whether you are planning to create a simple 2D or an immersive 3D game, Delphi offers a great number of options that allow you to build games from scratch. One of which is through the Castle Game engine. It is an open-source cross-platform 3D and 2D game engine supporting many asset formats and Delphi is one of its supported ide software. In this video from the recently concluded DelphiCon, Michalis Kamburelis shares with us everything we need to know about the Castle Game Engine.

What are the Features of Castle Game Engine?

Castle Game Engine is an open-source cross-platform 3D and 2D game engine supporting many asset formats such as glTF, X3D, Spine JSON, Collada, 3DS, MD3, and more. The engine is using modern Object Pascal and is available online via castle-engine.io. It can be used to develop a proprietary or open-source game and is also a cross-platform that supports operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, and mobile platforms like Android, iOS, as well as different consoles. In this video, Michalis will teach us how to build games from scratch using Castle Game Engine’s Visual Editor.

Visual Editor is one of the core features of Castle Game Engine that allows you to design your user interface with 3D or 2D game elements that you can visually interact with and move around. Another important feature of Castle Engine is the ability to use any model format from the modern glTF to flexible and powerful X3D and VRML, and more. The session will also highlight various customization options that you can apply to help you achieve the kind of game you want.

How to Build 3D Game using Castle Game Engine in Delphi

Michalis will also walk us through the step-by-step process of building an interactive 3D game using the Castle Game Engine in Delphi. He will provide all the materials you need so you can catch up with the process. Here, you will be working with code in Delphi and utilize everything you can do with the TCastleScene class which allows you to load, process, and render scenes. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement various scenarios including adding health bars, changing behaviors, customizing scenes, and more.

If you want to learn more about Castle Game Engine and discover how you can build 3D games with Delphi, feel free to watch the video below.

Why not download your own free trial of Delphi and try creating a game today?