Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today

The Windows Subsystem for Linux allows developers to run a GNU/Linux environment including command-line tools, most of the utilities, and applications directly on their Windows computers. It has become extremely popular and RAD Studio Delphi is able to create Linux applications which run directly on both WSL and full Linux computers.

  • Several WSL distributions are available via the Microsoft Store (Ubuntu, Kali, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE)
  • WSL is currently focused for the command-line use but with extensions and programs you can install GUI and connect through remote desktop control utilities.
  • Windows 11 allows Windows users to run full GUI Linux apps via WSL2 which is an updated version of the original WSL. RAD Studio also works with WSL2 and using FMX Linux you can create FULL GUI applications for Linux.
  • WSL is faster and more lightweight on computer resources than a virtual machine.
  • You can execute Linux binaries from Windows and Windows executables from Linux

In the recent WSL2 updates, we can see there is a huge increase in file system performance and full system call compatibility for a better experience. You can find how to install WSL on Windows in this official documentation.

How can I manage WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with a graphical application?

WSL GUI Tool – is an open-source tool built with Object Pascal, Delphi, that manages installed Linux distributions easily with a user interface.

Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today - main screen shot

The WSL GUI Tool allows you to manage WSL features with GUI & offers these functions:

  • Start & Stop a distribution.
  • Rename distribution.
  • Change flag of distribution from the original WSL version to the new improved WSL2.
  • Edit environment variables.

Moreover, you can explore the source code and learn about how to do these all stuff with Delphi which is great!

Where can I download the WSL GUI tool?

If you would like to just try out the portable executable select the Release section in GitHub and download it.

Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today - GUI tool
Everything You Need To Build A WSL GUI Tool Today - viewing/changing properties

Where can I learn more about using RAD Studio Delphi with Window’s WSL and Linux?

The best place is the Windows 10 Modernize Webinar Series. You can learn how to target Windows 10’s Windows Subsystem for Linux with RAD Studio Delphi in this great video from Jim McKeeth:

Where can I download the Delphi Object Pascal source code for the WSL GUI Tool?

You can go to the following link for the official WSL GUI tool here: https://github.com/emeric-martineau/wsl-gui-tool

Why not download a free trial of RAD Studio today and try the code out for yourself?

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