Build Modern Delphi/C++ Builder Web Applications Using IntraWeb Framework and IWBootStrap

Thinking to write a new web application or modernize your existing application into web framework for Delphi/C++ Builder Framework? AToZed Softwares provides an Amazing FullStack/ClientServer Focused Web Framework to build applications faster. Installs into IDE, Modeled on VCL, Visual Client Designer. The client built from the JS and HTML library. Delphi UI event handlers run on servers, extensible via typescript.


  • Development paradigm is very close to Desktop applications.
  • IntraWeb 14 is free for 10.3 Rio users, however you can purchase a license and update to the latest IntraWeb 15 with HTTP.sys support and much more.
  • Ultimate Edition available for more deployment and other options.
  • Easy to Get Started with powerful components.
  • Flexible to create as ISAPI dll, Windows Service or Standalone application.

How to build a sample IntraWeb Application in Delphi.

  1. File->NewItems->IntraWebFolder->IntraWeb Application Wizard->Choose ApplicationType as Standalone Application. The Standalone Application Server is a web application that includes, an embedded web server, the IntraWeb core code and your code. When you are developing your application, simply running the SA Server and typing$/start on your browser is enough for running your application. stands for the local host, 8888 is the port the embedded web server is listening to (check TIWServerControllerBase for learning about the Port property) and /$/start is the IntraWeb command that forces the start of a new user session.
  2. Create a Main Form Drag and Drop the IntraWeb components such as IWButton, IWList, IWEdit for Client Side implementations.
  3. Run the Application-> Standalone application dialog is open with multiple Browser options for debugging purpose. Open with Chrome or Firefox browser. Test the Main Form with some logic built in the Client side implementations. In the background the standalone server side application generates the HTML.CSS,JavaScript and shown in a browser for your Delphi IntraWeb Client App.
  4. To Deploy follow the steps here

You can deploy the created application in IIS server or run as windows service or ISAPI application. You can grab your Free Bundled edition Key here

To modernize your Intra Web Delphi Client App with more stunning styles and templates use IWBootstrapFramework. An open source Bootstrap wrapper framework for IntraWeb. The same way you use for create traditional Intraweb Aplications, you can use. With very little effort you can create a single applications that look awesome in mobile devices and desktop at the same time. It’s light and fast so it provides a great experience for the end user in any device.

Check this below Video for the Demonstration for IntraWeb and IWBootstrapFramework.

With Some Excellent Features a good Road Map is planned for the IntraWeb and its Coming Soon. Please check the what the updates are in the below Video.

For other products and updates about IntraWeb check here