TMS Business Tools

TMS Business Tools in Romania

TMS Business Tools este oferit in Romania de Dimensional Data si oferă instrumente avansate care permit includerea în aplicațiile Dvs a Business Intelligence. Acestea instrumente permit crearea ușoara si nativă a unor aplicații dedicate businesului, ușor de utilizat și eficiente prin vizualizarea datelor necesare într-un mod ecxelent.

Cele mai importante din funcționalități ale suitei TMS Business Tools de menționat:

XData API Server

  • Build a REST API server with Delphi and XData in minutes
  • Publish all your database data automatically in REST endpoints with a few lines of code
  • Easy JSON serialization and database retrieval
  • Full query syntax for retrieving entities through the API

ORM and Database Development

Aurelius: State-of-the-art ORM framework for Delphi

  • Abstract your database in objects: focus on business logic instead of persistence mechanism.

Data Modeler: Visual database design tool

  • Reverse engineering of existing database
  • Easy-to-use ER Diagrams

RemoteDB: Move your client/server app to the cloud in minutes

  • No need to install database client or any other DLL in your client computers
  • No need to open firewall ports or change any network config in client computer: it’s done through HTTP
  • Access your database also from mobile, with no extra software/library needed

Quality Enterprise Software Tools

  • Scripter: Add ultimate end-user customization to your application
  • Workflow: Design and run business processes with task management
  • Diagram Studio: Visual diagram/flowchart component
  • Query: Make queries easy, flexible & powerful
  • TMS Echo: Automatic data replication

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