What You Need To Know About Using WebAssembly With Delphi
In this webinar conducted by Embarcadero Technologies, Jim McKeeth was joined by Marc Hoffman of RemObjects Software to discuss everything about WebAssembly and the use of RemObject’s Oxygene programming language to bridge with Delphi. RemObjects Software is a software company founded in 2002 that develops and offers a great number of libraries and windows tools for developers.
What is WebAssembly?
This webinar explains WebAssembly and how it differs from JavaScript. Jim McKeeth describes WebAssembly as “an evolution of JavaScript” while Hoffman considers it as an excellent alternative for JavaScript. Generally, WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers and provides new features and major gains in performance. WebAssembly or simply Wasm is designed to be an effective compiler for source languages like C, C++, Rust, and more.
Oxygene Language
This one-hour-long webinar tackles RemObject’s very own Oxygene Programming language and how it differs from other modern programming languages today. Interestingly, Oxygene is a unique programming language based on Object Pascal that can import Java, C#, and Swift APIs from the runtime of the target operating system.
A Walkthrough to RemObjects Element Compiler
The video will also walk us through RemObjects Element Compiler. Here, Marc Hoffman demonstrates the use of their Element Compiler tool for the WebAssembly platform where we will get a quick overview of its main structure. They will also answer various queries from their attendees.
To learn more about WebAssembly and to how use it with Delphi and the Element compiler, feel free to watch this webinar below.
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