Learn To Build A Modern, Visually Stunning Dashboard
DevExpress is a must-have component package for Windows IDE: Delphi. It provides hundreds of component sets and you can choose your component set according to your budget and needs. When looking at dashboard solutions by DevExpress, they offer many solutions for web and VCL applications along with a comprehensive collection of other technologies.
What is the DevExpress Report and Dashboard server?
DevExpress report and dashboard server is an enterprise ready solution for reporting and dashboard. It’s easy to setup.
This report and dashboard server takes special care to be friendly and easy to use for your end-users.. Developers can let the users setup their dashboards and reports. Also we can assign users with several roles and assign privileges. The DevExpress report and dashboard supports almost any database. You can generate static reports or live dashboards very easily. For business, DevExpress can identify trends of your business out of the box. Regardless of your existing system, you can setup and make this up and running writhing minutes. User authentication is built in. Also this reports and dashboard has version control. So there is space for trial and error. Also you can easily localize all documents.
What are the system requirements of DevExpress Report and Dashboard server?
These are the system requirements for the current version of DvExpress report and dashboard server.
- Windows Server (2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019), Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008+
- IIS 7.0+, .NET 4.6+
- SMTP Mail Server
- HTTP Activation windows feature enabled
- HTTP Errors and Static Content windows features activated
- Windows Authentication windows feature activated
- IP Security windows feature enbled
How to get started on building our dashboard visualization?
You can get all the information to setup the DevExpress dashboard from this link:
Also you can try an online demo from this link:
How to add VCL gauge and indicators to our dashboard visualization?
DevExpress offers collection of easy to use VCL Gauge and Indicators. It includes:
- Circular gauges
- Liner gauges
- Digital gauges
You can easily drag and drop a TdxGaugeControl
to the form and add many scales as you need. You can read more information form here:
What Delphi VCL UI components are available for building a dashboard?
DevExpress offers very rich data aware components to use in dashboards. Some of them are:
- Spreadsheets
- Word processor
- Scheduler
- Tree lists
- Ribbons
- Form Layouts
- Grid
- Many types of editors
- Pivot grid
- Gauges
- Mapping
- PDF Viewer
DevExpress components are considered very reliable and extremely popular among RAD Studio Delphi and C++ Builder developers. Also, the components are touch friendly which is much more of a consideration in today’s world of hybrid devices such as the Microsoft Surface devices which are often used without a physical keyboard attached to them. You can read more about their VCL components from here:
What is the DevExpress VCL Map control?
You can use popular maps in your VCL application with this Map control. It support Bing or OpenStreetMap. If you can afford the high quality Bing maps form Microsoft or use the free version of OpenStreetMap. It has animations, scroll and zoom. You can overlay anything on VCL Map controls and match with your application and make it more useful.