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How To Migrate Your Legacy C++ Applications To The Latest Blazing-Fast Version

Thinking to migrate your Legacy C++Builder Applications to the Latest Delphi? Curious to know the things to do and tips to do effortless migrations? This post will guide you through the considerations for successful migrations

Things to consider :

  • Unicode Compatibility – Unicode support was added to RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder starting with the 2009 version. Many migration resources were developed at that time but are still useful today if upgrading from a pre-Unicode (2007 or earlier) version. Unicode Statistics Tool on your Delphi application and check if any Unicode changes are needed.This Unicode Statistics Tool will assist you in collecting useful statistics for the time and effort needed to migrate your Delphi applications to Unicode. More Resources for Unicode.
  • 64 bit Migration -Ever since Delphi XE2, it has been possible to generate Delphi 64bit applications from the same code base as your traditional Windows 32bit Delphi code. The business case for 64-bit for business is covered in this tech paper The Impact of 64-bit Applications to your Company’s Bottom Line
  • Database and Middleware -The Borland Database Engine (BDE) has been deprecated, and beginning with version XE8 the BDE has been removed from the Delphi installation, but is still available as a separate download from Code Central. All applications using the BDE are recommended to be migrated to FireDAC. If you are new to FireDAC Data Access Components, start here and look at the First Steps and Getting Started links.
  • 3rd party Components : The 3rd party plug-ins (libraries) need to be rebuilt in the current Delphi version. Having the source code makes this easier. You will need to re-compile your 3rd party components / libraries from older Delphi using the current Delphi 10.4.1 version so the components and libraries can be used in current Delphi projects.Check this link for some of the third party components available with RAD Studio and you can search all tools and components on the Embarcadero Technology Partner Directory.

Tips for successful migrations :

  • Before Migration: Set an Objective like Why do we need to migrate? What do you want to Mograte to ? Verify availability of Third party applications. Look for Alternatives in GetIt/GitHub/Others. Will help to validate post migrations.
  • BuildTime: Verify Project options , Compiler Version directives, Solve dependencies and your own code, Solve Hints and Warnings.
  • Stabilization: Verify to stabilization by doing some functional tests, corrections of errors, acceptance test
  • Modernization: Look out the modern features which latest version supports such as Use of Styles, Windows/High DPI themes. Use of panels Card,Grid,Stack,Flow. Migration from Client/server to Multi layered Application, Web frameworks, Multiplatform application. Look out the Latest Version Feature Matrix here.

Watch the YouTube Video on Migration with Demonstration Webinar Replay for Delphi here.

Watch the webinar on Migrating and Modernizing Legacy C++ Applications here.