Get To Know This Industry-Leading Mobile Lighting Delphi App
MyInterface is the deceptively simple yet powerful client application for the industry-leading LightFactory system from New Zealand developer Dream Solutions Limited.
The MyInterface app, which is written using the excellent cross-platform features of the RAD Studio Delphi Firemonkey FMX framework, runs on iOS and Android devices.
Dream Solutions say, “This app connects to LightFactory or NEO systems and displays the interfaces build using the Mobile Interface Builder. When started the app will show a list of available interfaces that are being served by the system.
Using this tool, you can click and drag buttons, sliders, images, text and switches onto a custom mobile form. You can save as many layouts as you want that are then served to the mobile device from LightFactory.
Open the MyInterface app on your iOS or Android device and a list of available layouts is shown. When selected the layout you created will show and can be used to control your LightFactory system.”
Dream Solutions have a number of other apps in the Android Play and Apple App Stores. We’ve written about one or two of them before here:
Thanks to Dream Solutions for choosing the power of RAD Studio to make their solutions available.