Everything You Need To Use AWS SES Natively In Your Apps

Email seems so old now when considering all the messaging options available. It is old, 50+ years old! It’s been the lifeblood of many business processes and is still as important today as it ever was. AWS has a plethora of great services, but they can be a little challenging for Windows app development. With that in mind, the next release of Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi 11.0 includes support for Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).

Amazon SES is a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective email service and can be used for marketing campaigns, notifying users, or transactional emails.

Everything You Need To Use AWS SES Natively In Your Apps. Appercept Home Page

Let’s see how we can send a simple email…

This is just the start. Why not start your next email marketing campaign with Amazon SES with tools written in Delphi? Or, seamlessly integrate email into your existing business applications built in Delphi?

Everything You Need To Use AWS SES Natively In Your Apps. Appercept GetItNow page.

Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi is available exclusively with active Enterprise or Architect subscriptions for Embarcadero Delphi or RAD Studio. You can install the SDK through the GetIt Package Manager within Delphi or RAD Studio if you have an active subscription.

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