Deploying FireMonkey to HTML5 with FMXLinux on WSL2

The absolutely quickest way to get started with Linux deployment from Delphi is to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). As of Windows 10 Version 2004 (Build 19041) WSL2 includes a full Linux kernel, so debugging and everything works as expected.

  1. Install WSL2 (You can verify your build number via the System Information applet, but Build 19041 has been available for a while now.)
    1. Control Panel
    2. Programs
    3. Turn Windows features on or off
    4. Windows Subsystem for Linux
    5. Reboot
Installing WSL2 on Windows 10
  1. Install Ubuntu via the Microsoft Store – Ubuntu without version # is the current LTS version and will update in the future. There are other distributions (Kali, Pegwin, Alpine WSL, etc.), but they are all a little different.
  1. Launch Ubuntu – Via the Start Menu or from a PowerShell/Terminal/CLI window with the WSL or Ubuntu commands. If you have more than one Linux installed then WSL launches the default one. The first time you launch it be aware it will take a few minutes, and then prompt you for new Linux credentials.
  2. Run – I made a script on gist that does all the setup for Ubuntu to get it ready to target from Delphi. You can use wget to download it or you can type the commands manually. It creates a script file called in your home folder to quickly launch PAServer. You can modify it to pass default configuration settings.
  1. Install FMXLinux from GetIt
  1. Run the broadwayd server – You should already have paserver running (the script above launched it), so you will probably want a new Ubuntu terminal window where you can launch broadwayd. I like using the new Windows Terminal since it makes it easy to open multiple tabs, and WSL integrates with it nicely.
  1. Import Linux SDK in Delphi IDE – Tools > Options > Deployment > SDK Manager – The IP address for the PAServer instance is localhost /, so keep in mind you are sharing ports between the WSL instance and your host Windows 10 OS.

  1. Now is just a matter of running most any FireMonky project and connecting to localhost:8080 from your browser.

One thing to keep in mind is there is one instance of the app running on the server for each client, and each has its own port number. There are ways to manage this on the server with a little effort, but that is a blog post for another day.