Creați aplicații HTML5 informaționale cu ajutorul framework-lui ExtJS
Solicitați ofertele promo pentru Sencha Ex tJS, Sencha ExtAngular, Sencha ExtReact, Sencha WebComponents sau consultați paginile produselor pentru detalii.
Ext JS is the most comprehensive JavaScript framework for building feature-rich, cross-platform web applications. Use it to create applications for desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
With this trial, you get access to our Ext JS Premium edition, which includes Ext JS, D3, Adapter, Pivot Grid, Calendar, Exporter, Sencha Themer, Architect, Cmd, JetBrains, Visual Studio, and Eclipse IDE Plugins, Visual Studio Code Plugin, and Inspector. For more information on all of these features, please see Pricing and Packaging.
ExtAngular provides the most complete set of components for building data-intensive web apps using Angular. Components interact with each other seamlessly, and are professionally built, tested, and maintained.
ExtReact is the most complete set of React components for building data-intensive web apps using React. Components interact with each other seamlessly, and are professionally built, tested, and maintained.
Sencha GXT is the most comprehensive Java-based framework for building feature-rich web applications. It uses the GWT compiler, allowing developers to write applications in Java and compile their code into highly optimized cross-platform HTML5 code.
Sencha Touch is a mobile web application framework based on HTML5 and JavaScript for creating universal mobile apps. Sencha Touch is available as a free download. In March 2015, Ext JS and Sencha Touch were merged into Ext JS 6.0. Visit the Ext JS product page to learn about the latest features and release.
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